Have you noticed your VPS server’s CPU usage spiking close to 100%? This could be caused by the kdevtmpfsi mining virus, a malicious software that hijacks your server resources for cryptocurrency mining. In this article, we will walk you through how to identify and remove this virus from your VPS hosting, ensuring your server runs smoothly again.
What is kdevtmpfsi Mining Virus?
The kdevtmpfsi virus is a type of malware that secretly installs on your Linux-based VPS server to mine cryptocurrency. It often infiltrates through unsecured Docker containers or other vulnerable points. Once installed, it consumes a significant amount of CPU, leading to poor server performance, high energy usage, and potential financial losses.
Symptoms of kdevtmpfsi Virus on VPS Hosting
Common signs that your VPS may be infected with the kdevtmpfsi virus include:
High CPU Usage: Constant CPU utilization nearing 100% even when no intensive processes are running.
Unexpected Processes: When running the top command, you might notice a process named kdevtmpfsi consuming high resources.
Abnormal File Locations: The virus typically creates files in /tmp or other temporary directories.
Here are some references I found online:
Removing the kdevtmpfsi Mining Virus in Docker
How to Deal with the kdevtmpfsi Mining Virus on a Linux Server?
How to Remove kdevtmpfsi Virus Step-by-Step
Follow these steps to identify and remove the kdevtmpfsi mining virus from your VPS:
- Stop the Malicious Process First, identify the malicious process using the top or ps commands:
ps aux | grep kdevtmpfsi
Once identified, kill the process:
kill -9 [process_id]
- Delete Infected Files The virus typically hides in temporary directories. The following paths are common infection points:
/var/lib/docker/overlay2/0241f205052d55b7858b7d2fb0ed437e3dc7afb55b7f78381d942a8530aaebd9/diff/tmp/kdevtmpfsi /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0241f205052d55b7858b7d2fb0ed437e3dc7afb55b7f78381d942a8530aaebd9/merged/tmp/kdevtmpfsi /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0241f205052d55b7858b7d2fb0ed437e3dc7afb55b7f78381d942a8530aaebd9/diff/tmp/kinsing /var/lib/docker/overlay2/0241f205052d55b7858b7d2fb0ed437e3dc7afb55b7f78381d942a8530aaebd9/merged/tmp/kinsing
Use the following command to remove these files:
rm -f /var/lib/docker/overlay2/*/diff/tmp/kdevtmpfsi
rm -f /var/lib/docker/overlay2/*/merged/tmp/kdevtmpfsi
The kdevtmpfsi mining virus can wreak havoc on your VPS hosting by consuming resources and affecting server performance. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can efficiently remove the virus and protect your system from future threats. Stay vigilant, keep your software updated, and regularly monitor your server to prevent malware infections.