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CocoaPods Install

1、Check the gem version: gem --version 2、If the gem version is less than 2.6.14, it is recommended to upgrade to version 2.6.14 or higher: sudo gem update --system 3、Change the gem source: sudo gem --remove sudo gem --add 4、Use the Sudo-less install method to install CocoaPods: a)、Create a new directory in your Home directory, such as Vendor/ruby b)、export GEM_HOME=$HOME/Vendor/ruby c)、export PATH=$HOME/Vendor/ruby/bin:$PATH d)、gem install cocoapods -v 1.5 5、Add the environment variable from step 3b to the ~/.

How to solve the Cocoapods CDN Error error when executing pod update or pod install.

When executing pod update or pod install with Cocoapods 1.8.5, the error message is as follows: Update all pods Updating local specs repositories [!] CDN: trunk URL couldn't be downloaded: Response: 400 Solution: Follow the official documentation to add a source to the Podfile: # Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project source '' platform :ios, '10.0' ... ... ... ...