


PhoneCell is a popular iOS app for CPU & Memory & Storage Usage tracks the battery level and storage space of your device and display the graph with battery level and storage space you have used. The graph and the estimates are displayed in the Today View of the Notification Center as well as in the app. The Widget in the Today View is not displayed by default. You will have to add it with a few simple steps.

Fetus Movent - 胎动计数器

Baby is a born count down and kicks monitor. The easy and fast way to count down baby born and baby quickening(fetus movement) monitor. Wow! Mom Let’s be ready for your baby.
Hugo Dark Theme Niello

Niello:适用于 Hugo 的全新深色模式主题Theme

Niello 是一款专为 Hugo 开发的全新 深色模式主题,设计简洁、易于使用,特别适合开发者和博客网站。该主题专注于在低光环境下提供更佳的阅读体验,同时为 Hugo 网站提供现代化的外观。

Macos Review Issues

Binary Rejected Guideline 2.1 - Performance We discovered one or more bugs in your app when reviewed on Mac running macOS 10.14.2. Specifically, the user receives an error occurs when attempting to push a notification. 根据StackOverflow搜索到的解决方案如下: The Problem is that after the Application is minimized by pressing the x button, there is no way for the user to open it again from the dock.

Let's Encrypt泛域名证书申请

acme.sh实现了acme协议,可以从let’s encrypt方便的生成免费https证书,最主要因为let’s encrypt的证书都是有有效期的,过期以后需要手动续期,而acme.sh会为你生成一个定时cron计划任务,这样就可以自动检测证书是否到期,快到期就会自动为你重现申请证书,避免了自己忘记证书过期时间而没用重新申请的尴尬。

MacOS Dmg安装文件制作

生成.app文件 在工程目录结构中展开product即可看见APP名称.app,右键点击并选择show in finder 准备需要的资源 1、在桌面新建文件夹dmg 2、将.app拖入dmg文件夹


获取所需文件 1、推送证书p12格式,假设为apns.p12 2、推送证书对应的私钥,假设为apns-key.p12 将上面两个文件转换为pem格式 openssl pkcs12 -clcerts -nokeys -out apns.pem -in apns.p12 openssl pkcs12 -nocerts -out apns-key-key.pem -in apns.p12 openssl rsa -in apns-key.pem -out apns-key-noenc.pem 合并证书 cat apns.pem apns-key-noenc.pem > apns-cat.pem 最后的apns-cat.pem即可在服务端使用了

数据结构与算法笔记 - 数组

数组定义 数组是一种【线性表】数据结构。它用一组【连续的内存空间】,来存储一组具有【相同类型的数据】 数组支持【随机访问】,根据下标随机访问的时间复杂度为 O(1)



